You like me! You really like me!


October 12, 2012 by Steph

I am completely, utterly amazed right now.  Remember Lisa over at She’s Losing It (yes! She is the one doing “operation booty lift!”)?  She nominated me for the “Very Inspirational Blogger Award”.  When I read the email that alerted me to this, I almost spit out my water.  First of all, I never thought that I could be a blogger (do I have anything good to say that people would want to read????) and here, I am being nominated for a really cool blogging award. 

Lisa.  From the bottom of my heart – thank you.  You made my year.  It has been an honor getting to know you from reading YOUR terrific blog and you have inspired ME more than you will ever know. Again, thank you. 

The Rules for this Award: 

1.  Thank the person who nominates you.

2.  List 7 things about yourself.

3.  Nominate 15 bloggers and inform them.

So, in line with the rules, here are 7 things about me:

1. I grew up in New Jersey and yes, I had Snooki hair.  Don’t be a hater. 

2. I used to eat 15 egg whites and 10 ounces of chicken EVERY DAY.  Now, I am a very joyful vegan 🙂

3. I hate to be barefoot and I can count on one hand how many pairs of flip flops I have owned in my lifetime.  As a matter of fact, I didn’t buy my first pair until I was 28.

4. Halloween is my favorite holiday!!!!  What other day of the year can you dress up like someone or something else without people looking at you like you are a weirdo?!?!?

5. I just donated platelets for the first time this week.  I felt really good about myself and hope that my donation helps to save at least one life or benefit someone somehow. 

6. My favorite color is brown.  Random.

7. When I was younger, I always thought that I wanted to be some hot shot executive and stay single, living a glamorous life in a big city somewhere.  When I turned 29, I met the man of my dreams and when he asked me to marry him, I jumped at the chance.  Now, I am married, living in a small town, with 2 amazing kids and could not be happier!

So, there you have it.  I hope you made it through the facts about me without falling asleep.  Now, on to the fun part.  I get to introduce you to 15 of the bloggers that I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT.  I hope you grow to love them as much as I have. Here they are, in no particular order because I love them all equally 🙂

1. She’s Losing It

2.  And Away She Goes 

3. Fitness Cheerleader

4. Melissa’s Journey

5. Whitney’s Healthy Way

6. Happier, Healthier, More Fit Me

7. Boobs, Barbells and Broccoli

8. Hungry Hungry Hippie

9. Lindsay’s Ramblings

10. Little B’s Healthy Habits

11. One Fit Foodie

12. Chocolate Covered Katie

13. The Daily Garnish

14. Marathon Mom

15. CultFit

So, here they are.  Go forth and read the above blogs.  And prosper from it.  Because I know you will!

6 thoughts on “You like me! You really like me!

  1. fitnesscheerleader says:

    Thank you!!! I’m honoured! I have to agree with Lisa, you’re very inspirational too!

  2. CultFit says:

    Your from Red Bank right … You just have to be from Red Bank!?! Thank you so very much, I’m humbled by your kind thoughts. Take care this weekend and be well!!

  3. Jen says:

    Thanks, will get working on my post 🙂 I too hate being barefoot !

  4. […] training circuit, and another was about being nominated for an inspirational blogger award (thanks Pepper and Jen)! I’ll have to write about both of those topics later this week because today I feel […]

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